Welcome to GRAFITO EDITORIAL Foreign Rights

We are a Spanish graphic novel publisher, specialized in comic books for adults, young readers and children. Our publications are mostly one shot and we work with all literary genres. Here you will discover all our available licences.
We also manage the foreign rights catalogues from other Spanish comic book publishers and authors. If you go to the bottom of this page, you will see the list of our clients and you will be able to access each of their complete catalogues.

Discover all our available licenses:


We are also agents.

We represent the following Spanish comic book publishers.
Please click on each icon to discover their publications.

Comics and illustration books for children

Grafito Editorial will attend the following shows:

Festival de la Bande Desinée à Angoulême 2023: from January the 25th to the 28th. You will find us at the professional area (marché des droits) at a stand shared with other Valencian publishers.

You can schedulle an appointment with us please send us an e-mail to rights@grafitoeditorial.com. 

If you are not planning to attend any fair we'll be happy to arrange an online meeting with you.
We are also looking for new titles to publish in Spain. We'll be happy to check your catalogues, please send them to our editorial team at compras@grafitoeditorial.com

We look forward to meet you soon.
Best regards.
Yolanda Dib Cabello.
Foreign Rights Manager.